Hinan Akaruta
The Demon of Vylbrand
Basic Info
⋯ NICKNAME(S): Red |
⋯ RACE: Au Ra (Xaela) |
⋯ GENDER: Cis Male |
⋯ AGE: 27 |
⋯ NAMEDAY: 29th Sun, 3rd Umbral Moon (6/28) |
⋯ GUARDIAN: Suzaku |
⋯ SEXUALITY: Demisexual |
⋯ OCCUPATION: Mercenary. Adventurer. |
Saikhan Dotharl might have been the embodiment of his previous life—a warrior true, meant to come to the defense of his tribe with a fearless heart and a heavy draw—but fate is not always kind, and cruelty is often more commonplace on the Azim Steppe. Barely a child of two summers, he was instead lost to the Nhaama desert sands along with his parents, and all three were declared dead by their tribe. And though they were correct on two counts—his parents had died—he was found wandering near the mountains by a Raen woman who lived just beyond. Starving and badly dehydrated, the woman took him into her home and nursed him back to health.To her credit, she tried to take him back to the Steppe and find one of the tribes. Her intent had been to gather enough information that she could take him back to his home, but the ever-present danger of the Xaela dwelling there meant that she could not travel alone with him for long. When several trips to the Steppe came and went without successfully finding his tribe, the woman finally resolved to take Saikhan in as one of her own. The language barrier might have been enough to curb understanding, but paired with the often hard-to-translate speech of a toddler, she could not glean any clue as to his name. So she named him Hinan and gave him her surname, and he grew up alongside a Raen boy two summers his elder named Aeluan.Hinan and Aeluan were very close throughout their childhood despite the two-summer age gap, but there were some notable differences in their childhood experiences. Where Aeluan found it easy to make friends, Hinan found that the types of people that liked Aeluan were prone to judging others, and unfortunately Hinan was the odd man out in just about everything due to his Xaelic features. This was an unfortunate trend that continued into adulthood, and as a result, Hinan grew up with a moderate amount of social anxiety.When he eventually struck out on his own, he resolved to do a bit of travelling, to see if there was some other place he could go that might feel more welcoming, and he ended up taking mercenary work that took him to Vylbrand. It was there that he carved out a living with his axe and made a name for himself. The Demon of Vylbrand, they called him, but they only knew his face.
Doman Raised
Hinan may have been born on the Steppe, but he was raised in the Doman mountains. Because of his schooling and his family life, Hinan has more Doman values and outlooks on certain things like morals, honor, and matters of the heart.
... And My Axe
This Xaela carries a huge greataxe, and knows how to use several other weapons, though the bigger one is his weapon of choice. If you're an axe enthusiast or a blacksmith, he might be interested in your services.
Always Room for More
He eats like he's got two hollow legs and a hollow tail to fill. Where does all that food go? Who knows, but he keeps himself fit... he just really likes food. If you have chocolate in particular, he may salivate in your general direction.
Yo, I've been RPing for a very long time, and over the years have developed my own style and preferences:
I (MOSTLY) ADHERE TO LORE: I follow lore as much as possible, but there are situations in which little to no lore is present. In these cases I will work off current community theory or bend lore to suit the story's needs.
IC ≠ OOC: I separate IC (in-character) and OOC (out-of-character), and ask that you do the same. A character's views, actions, or interests are completely independent of my own.
LET'S BE ADULTS: While I can RP in public events where minors are legally present, I will not RP any dark/mature themes with someone I know to be a minor. I also expect an RP partner to act like an adult OOC.
COMMUNICATE, PLEASE: There are times when behind the curtain talk needs to happen. I don't require a lot of updates, but I do expect to be informed if there is a plot development that definitely impacts my character that I was not present for, or if either of us needs to know where the other is at any given moment.
PLEASE DON'T METAGAME OR GODMODE WITHOUT PERMISSION: Metagaming is using knowledge gained OOC to dictate your character's IC actions even though your character does not have access to said information. Godmodding is taking control of another person's character. If either of those things are done, I will remove myself from the scene.
WE SHOULD BE EQUALS: You're not a side character in my story, and I don't want to be a side character in yours. Regardless of social status, power, wealth, etc., we should both be equals when it comes to OOC regard.
Pre-established Relationships |
Dark / Mature Themes |
D&D Style (/random) Adventures |
Intrigue Plots |
Character Injuries |
Enemies / Frenemies / Nemesis |
Character death (unless it has been planned beforehand) |
Extensive gore / mutilation / violence (if you ask on this one, I'll let you know my limits) |
Random solicitations for ERP |
Anything that puts a Lalafell in adult situations |